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Dysphagiediagnostik mit Roy Eike:
Logopädische Praxis Eike
Donatsring 20
09599 Freiberg
Literaturempfehlung: „Breath – Atem Neues Wissen über die vergessene Kunst des Atmens“ James Nestor ISBN 978-3-492-05851-3
Studienempfehlung: Lüthi-Müller E, Kool J, Mylius V, Diesener P. A New Therapeutic Approach for Dystussia and Atussia in Neurogenic Dysphagia: Effect of Aerosolized Capsaicin on Peak Cough Flow. Dysphagia. 2022 Apr 16. doi: 10.1007/s00455-022-10439-z.
Vortrag – Medikamentöse Speichelreduktion bei Neurogener Dysphagie (ND) Heidrun Schröter-Morasch, Leonhard Fischbacher
Leitlinie – Hypersalivation Registernummer 017 – 075
Capsaicin – kleine Auswahl an Studien:
- Effects of capsaicin on swallowing function in stroke patients with dysphagia: A randomized controlled trial
Zhuo Wang , Lingling Wu, Qi Fang, Meifen Shen, Lulu Zhang , Xueyun Liu PMID: 30956054 DOI: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2019.02.008
Empfehlung zur systemischen Therapie bei Dysphagie
- EbiharaT et al., Capsaicin Troche for Swallowing Dysfunction in Older People, Journal of the American Geriatrics Society (2005) 53(5): 824-8
- Kikawada M et al., Aspiration and Infection in the Elderly, Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Management, Drugs Aging(2005) 22(2): 115-30
- Ohrui T, Kubo H, Sasaki H, Care for Older People, Internal Medicine(2003) 42(10): 932–940
- Johnson T, Post-CVA Dysphagia: Alternative Medical Therapies, Advance for Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologogists (2007) 17(27): 16-21
Testsubstanz zur Bestimmung der Hustenreizschwelle
- Asthma Workgroup, Chinese Society, Respiratory, Diseases (CSRD), Chinese Medical Association, Corresp. Lai KF, The Chinese national guidelines on diagnosis and management of cough (Dec 2010), CMJ 2011;124(20):3207-19
- DicpinigaitisPV, Alva RV, Safety of Capsaicin Cough Challenge Testing, Chest (2005), 128: 196-202
- ImotoY et al., Coughreflex induced by capsaicin inhalationin patients with dysphagia, Acta Oto-Laryngologica(2011), 131: 96-100
- Chang A et al., Cough sensitivity in children with asthma, recurrent cough, and cystic fibrosis, Arch Dis Child (1997) 77: 331-4
Woher bekomme ich Capsaicin? :
z.B. von lokalen Gewürzhändlern, der Apotheke, Versandhäuser im Internet, Amazon
(Suche: Cayenne Extract 500.000 wasserlöslich)